Friday 18 December 2015

Rainbow, Light, Knowledge and Creation

Interdimensional Communication - Friday December 18th 2015 - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © Please see this new artwork full screen  ♥  ♥  I always receive interesting things to know... some of them are also funny and hilarious... if we ask... the Universe speaks to us. The Universe speaks clearly and frankly to the ones that are open to receive the news. Many of that knowledge was born with me... but during this tiring life we risk to forget those truths... until we are ready to receive them again.

Gli esseri umani - e gli esseri viventi in generale - sono anche esseri spirituali.
Insieme al corpo fisico il Creatore ci ha donato il Corpo Spirituale, che è un corpo di Luce.
Come sanno bene anche gli scienziati, tutta la materia è fatta di luce.
La luce si esprime in varie lunghezze d'onda che danno vita anche ai colori... ebbene, io fin dall'infanzia sono stata colpita dai colori dell'arcobaleno.
L'arcobaleno per me racchiude le risposte a tutte le domande.
Quando abbiamo i colori dell'arcobaleno, possiamo fare e realizzare qualunque cosa... questa conoscenza è sempre esistita nel mio cuore. - Vanessa.

Humans - and living beings in general - are also spiritual beings.
Along with the physical body, the Creator has given us the spiritual body, which is a body of Light.
Even the scientists know thet all matter is made of light.
The light is expressed in various wavelengths that give life to colors ... well, since childhood I have been struck by the colors of the rainbow.
The rainbow for me holds the answers to all questions.
When we have the colors of the rainbow, we can do and achieve whatever we need ... this knowledge has always been in my heart. - Vanessa 

Autumn flowers - Photography by VSB © (2015)

"Orion" (above) and "Till my last breath" - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © (2012)