Saturday, 22 March 2014

Spring 2014 - Primavera 2014

 "Spring 2014" by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Artist is between the worlds. This means to be an Artist. Be an Artist means to be able - sometimes - to walk among the skies. Because Life is so fragile, it is not what it seems to be. Life is indeed a mysterious and precious harmony, a mystery that is difficult to interpretate. Labels don't work, labels are only restrictions of the mind that are used to take away the mystery. Because the mystery of Life, without the risk of flight, is impossible to understand. Life is a breath and the identity is the breath of the Soul. Less lables are put on a human being, more his/her identity is near to the identity of the Soul. A person that lives on the Soul's Identity has a peculiar light. This Sacred Identity is the Diamond that this world needs. That Diamond lives in the Infinity.

Because we exist, we are sacred exactly as we are

 "Because we exist, we are sacred exactly as we are" by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©
Do not believe the words that say "there is something wrong with you": if a person exists is because the whole Universe wanted that person to be born. Every denying of the Sacred Identity of Every Person brings pain on this planet. First arrive The Person, then arrives everything else.