Saturday, 25 April 2015

L'astronave e lo spazio-tempo che si piega al suo passaggio - The spaceship and the space-time that bends to her step

The spaceship and the space-time that bends to her step - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 25 April 2015

La civiltà da dove provengo è fatta di persone libere. Le menti vengono tenute libere da pensieri distruttivi e autodistruttivi. I pensieri sono cose potenti e bisogna averne cura.
Se si sono superati i pensieri violenti e autodistruttivi, l'universo ci riconosce e si piega al nostro passaggio. Perché non siamo violenti, l'universo ci fa passare.

Non facciamo male, ma vogliamo bene. L'amore e i pensieri amorevoli sono la cosa che fa guadagnare il cammino nello spazio-tempo e l'accesso all'immortalità.

La coerenza e la non violenza sono le chiavi delle civiltà più avanzate.

The civilization from where I come from is made up of the free people. Minds are kept free of destructive and self-destructive thoughts. Thoughts are powerful things and you have to take care of them.

Because we are beyond the violent and self-destructive thoughts, the universe recognizes us and bends to our passage. Because we are not violent, the universe makes us go.

We don't do evil, but we give love. Love and loving thoughts are the things that make earn the way to the spacetime and the access to immortality.

Coherence and non-violence are the keys of the most advanced civilizations.

Goddess and God, blissful rain - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 3 March 2013

Bella Ciao

Mio nonno, partigiano medaglia d'oro, un pensiero a lui in questo giorno speciale. Dicendo anche che le vittime delle guerre sono tutte vittime della più grande ingiustizia: l'ingordigia degli esseri umani che porta a speculare sulle disgrazie e sulla prevaricazione.

My grandfather, partisan with gold medal, I think to him on this special day. Also saying that the victims of the wars are all victims of the greatest injustice: the greed of human beings that speculates on the misfortunes and the prevarications.

Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

North Star

North Star - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 25 April 2015

He that lives far away

He that lives far away - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 25 April 2015

He that lives far away... he's witnessing all the things that are happening here on Planet Earth. My consciousness is expanded till reaching so far away from here. Because for the activated chakras of Heart and Third Eye distances don't exist. Such distant places are just behind the corner of my consciousness.

I wish you all a beautiful weekend... a relaxing Saturday... and a good holiday to all the Italians

Healing pictures - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©