Io cerco di vederti in ogni fiore.
Ogni tanto il respiro si blocca perché cerco di cogliere ogni rumore, ogni rumore di questa vita che ascolta sempre te.
La primavera è arrivata, ma c'è chi - folle - non se ne accorge.
C'è chi bestemmia, c'è chi bestemmia Dio mostrando le armi, mostrando le armi nucleari.
Il terrore di questa follia è la bestemmia che offende Madre Terra.
Oh Amore che hai il cuore nell'infinito
raduna gli angeli.
raduna gli angeli,
e ferma questo orrore.
Love, as you know spring has arrived.
I try to see you in every flower.
Sometimes the breath freezes because I try to catch every sound, every sound of this life that always listens to You.
Spring is here, but some - some idiots - do not realize it.
Blasphemy, there are those who blasphemes God showing up arms, showing nuclear weapons.
The terror of this madness is the blasphemy that offends Mother Earth.
Oh Love that you have now the heart beyond the infinity
gather the angels.
gather the angels,
and stop this horror.
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Love is in every flower - Photography by VSB © April 17th 2017 |
Caro fiore, caro fiore di biancospino, hai lasciato il tuo caro corpo nel martedì che precede la Pasqua.
Il tuo cuore di rubino risplenderà per sempre in questo delizioso fiore che mi ricorda la tua purezza e il tuo amore pieno di coraggio.
Dear flower, first flower of hawthorn, you left your dear body on Tuesday before Easter.
Your heart is of ruby and shines forever in this lovely flower that reminds me of your purity and your courage filled with love.
This is Carl, my dear Carl, two years ago. This photo was taken in April 2015. I know that Carl's desire is that I continue in my work of artist for Peace and Love.
I know that Carl's sweet and good heart would like to confort all of you.
It is difficult to accept that he had to abandon so early his dear earthly life.
He is always generous and he lives fully, I know that he remembers everything of his beautiful life, a life full of love and courage that is still inspiring so many people.
I will do my best.
I will do what I can my dear Carl.
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