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Divine Couple they are One thing, One Love - On Fine Art America (now it is Pixels) this picture is titled Divine Dancers And The InfinityThis artwork is available for prints on Pixels (please click here): http://pixels.com/featured/divine-dancers-and-the-infinity-vanessa-schlachtaub-bruni.html - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © December 17th 2015 |
Please see this picture full screen ♥ ♥
This is what my heart see... when I think... when I think to the Divine... also when I think to art. I see this couple, a couple forever young, because Universe and Life are always new, like the water of the Great River.
This couple means also the creation in the art... the creation with the artist and the muse... and many other things.
You can see even the symbol of infinite in the movement of the arms and hands. The rainbow here represents the water of the Great River of Life.
A little detail: the left hand of him seems partially immerse in water... very often in my pictures the color green is associated with the symbol of water... it is a representation of water. When I do my drawing I try to let my hand go freely... at the first I may think... that hand is weird... but then I saw the color... the green and I understand: "the hand is touching the water".
I am the first person that learn from the spontaneity of my art. And this is why I try not to judge... I try just to let it be.
Per far accadere i miracoli, prima di tutto bisogna essere disposti a de-strutturare la "realtà"... "realtà" che è solo un riflesso, un tenue riflesso, del Cuore e della Mente del Cosmo. - Vanessa
To make miracles happen, first of all it takes to be willing to
de-structuring "reality" ... "reality" that is just a reflection, a pale
reflection of the Heart and Mind of the cosmos. - Vanessa
Trees, clouds and sunset of today - Tuscany, Italy - December 17th 2015 © Photography by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni |
che la vita stessa diventa un'opera d'arte. - Vanessa
The artist loves her art ... day and night she never stops working ... until
her life itself becomes a work of art. - Vanessa