The Venus Temple - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 23 August 2012 |
On 23rd of August 2001 my Husbad Carl arrived here. And the same day in 2012 - 11 years later - I channeled this work.
Also tonight I greeted the ships of our fleet: are in plain sight in the
usual location, very slight westward motion ... Hi guys/gals! - Photo by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni 15 June 2015 around 23:00 Rome Time
stasera ho salutato le astronavi della nostra flotta: sono in bella
vista nella posizione usuale, in lievissimo moto verso Occidente... ciao
ragazzi/e! | |
Music: Transglobal Underground 08 Eyeway Souljah
I take love seriously... and yes... for me there is no much difference
between human Love and Spiritual Love. Actually I am always a little
scared of people that say to have faith but at the same time think that
human love is a sinful thing.