Si cresce cercando di proteggere la poesia del cuore, si sogna pensando di regalare quella poesia a noi stessi e ai nostri compagni umani. Perché camminando insieme e condividendo poesie si possono unire le musiche dei cuori in un'armonia che porta a un grosso passo avanti nel sentimento e quindi nella civiltà. Maggiore è il sentimento, maggiore è la civiltà.
Chi mira a imitare i freddi rettili pur avendo corpo umano sta tralasciando tante possibilità in più per il nostro vivere su questo pianeta. Non serve correre e tralasciare i sentimenti. Andando sempre solo velocemente possiamo solo dimenticarci la finezza dei colori più tenui e delicati. Quella delicatezza capace di infrangere muri di incomprensioni fatti di millenni di aggressioni e paura.
I comportamenti da rettili su questo pianeta lasciamoli agli adorabili serpentelli, per gli umani lasciamo perdere i passi frettolosi di chi decide cose spaventose senza nemmeno pensarci due volte. Perché i serpentelli quando agiscono per fame sono innocenti, molto più innocenti di noi. Il loro inghiottire le prede è privo di sentimento, ma privo anche di odio. Per noi umani le cose si fanno più difficili ed è giusto così. È giusto riflettere, è giusto meditare, è giusto valutare e discutere con calma. È giusto evitare la cattiveria gratuita perché quando ci sfugge di mano fa sempre almeno due vittime: l'aggredito e l'aggressore.
Ascoltiamo la musica del cuore e non vergognamocene, perché dal cuore vengono le melodie più raffinate e le civiltà più belle e armoniose. Le civiltà in cui ognuno si sente a casa e può così offrire il meglio di sé.
Universal consciousness emerges also from mother earth. This consciousness takes shape in many sentient beings, all beautiful and magnificent. The civilization that welcomes us leads us to understanding, compassion or ignorance. Before the indifference and coldness steps are uncertain. We try to show good heart and good example, knowing that by throwing the pebble in the pond will form of circles, increasingly large waves.
We grow trying to protect the heart, poetry you dream about thinking of giving the poem to ourselves and to our fellow humans. Why walking together and share poems it is possible to combine the music of hearts in a harmony which leads to a big step forward in feeling and then in civilization. The greater the feeling, the higher civilization.
Who aims to mimic the cold reptiles despite having human body is leaving many possibilities in addition to our live on this planet. No need to run and leave out the feelings. Always going just as fast we can only forget subtlety of softer and delicate colors. One delicacy that can break walls of misunderstandings made by millennia of aggression and fear.
Behaviors from reptiles on this planet, let us leave to the adorable small ones... for humans forget hurried footsteps of who decides scary things without even thinking twice. When the reptilian terrestrial animals act for hunger are innocent, very innocent compared to us humans. They swallow their prey is devoid of feeling, but also free of hatred. For us humans things get harder and rightly so. Just think, you just meditate, it is fair to assess and discuss calmly. You just avoid the bad behaviour because when viciousness gets out of hand always does at least two victims: the attacked and the attacker.
Listen to the music of the heart and not be afraid of it, because from the heart are the most refined melodies and more beautiful and harmonious civilization. Civilizations where everyone feels at home and can thus offer the best.
We grow trying to protect the heart, poetry you dream about thinking of giving the poem to ourselves and to our fellow humans. Why walking together and share poems it is possible to combine the music of hearts in a harmony which leads to a big step forward in feeling and then in civilization. The greater the feeling, the higher civilization.
Who aims to mimic the cold reptiles despite having human body is leaving many possibilities in addition to our live on this planet. No need to run and leave out the feelings. Always going just as fast we can only forget subtlety of softer and delicate colors. One delicacy that can break walls of misunderstandings made by millennia of aggression and fear.
Behaviors from reptiles on this planet, let us leave to the adorable small ones... for humans forget hurried footsteps of who decides scary things without even thinking twice. When the reptilian terrestrial animals act for hunger are innocent, very innocent compared to us humans. They swallow their prey is devoid of feeling, but also free of hatred. For us humans things get harder and rightly so. Just think, you just meditate, it is fair to assess and discuss calmly. You just avoid the bad behaviour because when viciousness gets out of hand always does at least two victims: the attacked and the attacker.
Listen to the music of the heart and not be afraid of it, because from the heart are the most refined melodies and more beautiful and harmonious civilization. Civilizations where everyone feels at home and can thus offer the best.