Thursday, 28 May 2015

Divine Manifestation

I am an artist, I am a natural meditator... and my art speaks to all the cultures, to many spiritual traditions.
Because I entered in the memory of the Cosmos... many secrets were revealed to me. I did it with respect and with a lot of prayers... and because I am a very ancient soul. I did it  because what I want most is Peace, Peace in this world. The Cosmos gives the Knowledge to the ones that can receive them without damages.

Because I am an Artist,
I entered in the memory of the Cosmos... many secrets were revealed to me. I did it with respect and also because I am a very ancient soul. The Cosmos provides the appropriate knowledge to those who are able to receive them without damage.
If after reading this post you will feel confused and bewildered, do not have fear, but trust that everything will come to you at the appropriate time.

In Peace and Verity, in spirit of respect and friendship - Vanessa 

Io sono un'artista (ho messo l'apostrofo perché sono una donna), essendo artista sono un meditatore (una meditatrice) naturale ... e la mia arte parla a tutte le culture, parla a molte tradizioni spirituali, ma sempre con rispetto e senza voler offendere nessuno. Perché quello che voglio di più è la Pace, la Pace in questo mondo.

Poiché - essendo artista e avendo meditato e pregato molto - sono entrata nella memoria del Cosmo... molti segreti sono stati rivelati a me. L'ho fatto con rispetto, con tanta preghiera e anche perché io sono un'anima molto antica. Il Cosmo fornisce le conoscenze adeguate a coloro che sono in grado di riceverle senza danni.

Se leggendo questo post vi sentite confusi e straniti, non temete, ma confidate che tutto vi arriverà al momento opportuno. 
In Pace e Verità, con spirito di rispetto e amicizia - Vanessa

Divine Manifestation - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 28 May 2015
Manifestation of Lord Neptune - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © Giovedì 28 Maggio 2015
Lord Neptune (also named by me with the Number 55) is a manifestation of Pleiadeans Wisdom, He is expert of natural remedies. He protects seas and oceans. His colors are Green, Teal, Purple, Blue-Green. He looks like a boy, but He is a very expert Deity, one of the most Ancient Deity of the Universe... but obviously being immortal He looks always young.

In this Neptune can be counted many religions on Planet Earth (I don't mention any name here)... some of them are very different from the original spirit of Neptune to whom they belonged originally.
The Color Green represents the Emerald and therefore also the Planet Mercury.

Manifestation of Golden Buddha, the Andromedian - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © Giovedì 28 Maggio 2015
I call him Golden Buddha (also with the Number 44) because His light is similar to the Gold of the temples in Asia. It is true that exist even Blue Buddhas, but anyway... the Gold is His main color together with the ochre and all the Earth tones. On planet Earth His light is manifested not only as Buddhism but also in several others currents of thoughts... here the research have to be personal because every person has his/her point of view about this subject, due to the personal history around the Universe.

Golden Buddha is an expert on Peace Issues. Buddha traditionally manifests Himself teaching different doctrines due to the capacity of certain people in certain time and spaces.
He is also a very expert and ancient Divinity.
The Color Yellow represents the Planet Jupiter.

Divine Couple in a Red Rose - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 25 April 2012
Talking about the Color Red (Ruby and Magenta, also Number 33) we can speak about the color of the ones universally known as the Knights of  Rose. Even them can manifest themselves as many religions and currents of thoughts. They are strenuous defenders of women... but also if they don't recognize their true nature they can be also a big danger for women (and for themselves). They are capable to sacrifice everything for their Ideals.
Among them there are also Red Buddhas and a large part of Christianity.

Among my travel in space and time I recognized many stories of the Cosmos in which they manifested.
Also the strong color Purple belongs to Them.
The Color Red represents the Sun and Mars.

This picture represents the Light of the Cosmos known on Planet Earth as Christ... this is one of my first digital art work, a time where I couldn't even write my name on my works... Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni 30 December 2011 © In the Sky is visible also the Color Blue because Christ is (among many other meanings) the connection between the Blue and the Red on Planet Earth.

Peace Now - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © This artwork is available for print on Pixels - Fine Art America -  Also read here.
Talking of the Colour Blue, I have to mention the "famous" Alien Viseman (read here about Viseman), that is also a part of me... because people like me have both the sides... feminine and masculine... even if only on a spiritual plane, like in my case.
Viseman is a good Angel and helped me to stay true to myself and wait for my husband Carl.

Viseman is also a sort of channeler and many times represents all the Deities.

Also the Colour Blue is manifested in many religions and currents of thoughts, also many Agnostics and Zen Buddhists are Blue. Lao Tsu is a classic Blue Light and also many currents of the religion known on Planet Earth as Judaism. But also the ancient Greeks and Etruscan were Blue. Also many Nordic Deities are Blue.

The Color Blue (also named by be with the number 22) represents the Planet Saturn and banishes all the harmful influences. Blue civilizations can be characterized, due to maturity, by a great Freedom or a great madness for control and over-control. Obviously the Colour Blue is the color of the communication... and for this reason the Blue represents also Mercury (but the Gemstone of Mercury is the Emerald... like I said before).

This Universe suffered already in the past for this problem and Planet Earth won't see another dictatorship as in "Star Wars" style.

Planet Earth is testing a new type of Civilization where all the Colors can Coexist in Peace. It is Possible.

Divine Couple, 4 July 2012 - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©
Prince Frog AKA Neptune - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni 2 July 2012 ©

Thank you all dear readers... as you can imagine it wasn't easy for me to write this post... in the past women like me did a sad end burned alive... and that fear is still inside me. If it wasn't me to burn alive, was someone very close to me... a free person with the only fault to speak the truth.
I don't like the word witch... it is a word used and abused by the oppressors... I am just a person with memories... because I never betrayed my true self... that's all.

Also on this subject read here on this link.

The Light of the Cosmos

I am a devotee of St. Francis ... yes!
The golden light is the color with which I pray St. Francis.
Io sono una devota di San Francesco... ebbene sì!
La luce color oro è il colore con cui io prego San Francesco.

Saint Francis of Assisi, Artist unknown
This drawing is dedicated to Saint Francis, I made it the day of S.Francis, October 4th 2012, fiber pen on card
Drawing by VSB ©

Freedom in the late Roman Empire - Libertà nel tardo Impero Romano

Ogni volta che vado in un negozio di elettronica rimango impressionata dalle misure degli apparecchi televisivi... sempre più grandi... come e di più di quelli del film Farenheit 451 . E dappertutto immense immagini di atleti, in particolare calciatori. Nel vecchio Impero Romano si andava a vedere gli spettacoli con i gladiatori al Colosseo, ora il Colosseo ci raggiunge in diretta a domicilio. Intendiamoci bene, io non sono contro la tecnologia, anzi. Ma sono a favore della pluralità di contenuti. Perché quegli schermi immensi tutti con la stesse immagini per me parlano chiaro... e dicono... attenzione, questo è un mega lavaggio di cervello. Fateci almeno vedere vari sport, vari spettacoli per vari tipi di spettatori. E soprattutto, lasciateci la speranza di vedere un mondo dove i diritti umani sono rispettati.

Whenever I go into an electronics store I remain impressed by measures television appliances ... getting bigger and bigger ... how and more than those of the film Farenheit 451. And huge pictures of athletes everywhere, in particular footballers. In the old Roman Empire people went to see the shows with the Gladiators at the Colosseum, now the Coliseum reaches live people at-home. Mind you well, I'm not against technology, indeed. But I am in favor of plurality of content. Because those huge screens, all with the same images for me speak for themselves ... and say ... be careful, this is a mega brain washing. At least let us see different sports, different shows for different types of audiences. And above all, let us hope to see a world where human rights are respected.
Libertà - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © creato venerdì ‎17 ‎aprile ‎2015

Golden LAND - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © Creato domenica ‎24 ‎maggio ‎2015
Some meditation music... E-mantra - Emptiness (Reasonandu remix)