Thursday, 12 May 2016

Hearts full of love - Cuori pieni d'amore

Nell'Universo ci sono tantissimi cuori pieni d'amore. Così come vediamo tante stelle nel cielo, così esistono altrettanti cuori pieni d'amore.
È importante connettersi con questi cuori amorevoli e così moltiplicare anche il nostro amore... l'amore per noi stessi e l'amore per gli altri.

Ogni creatura è piena di amore, dona amore nel corso di tutta la vita... molte vite. E anche dopo la morte dona amore... arriva anche a donare il proprio corpo per nutrire altri esseri viventi!

E tutto questo sforzo di amore e reciproco aiuto esiste per sostenere il fiore della coscienza. La coscienza che parte e arriva da quelle stelle luminose che sono i cuori pieni di amore.

Amore e Coscienza sono le due ali della vita, le due ali della comprensione.

Amore e Coscienza sono ciò che io chiamo Coppia Divina.

♥ ♥

In the Universe there are many hearts filled with love. Just as we see many stars in the sky, so there are as many hearts filled with love.

It is important to connect with these loving hearts and so also multiply our love... love for ourselves and love for others.

Every creature is full of love, giving love in the course of a lifetime... many lifetimes. And even after death gives love ... even get to donate his/her body to nourish other living beings!

And all this effort of love and mutual support exists to support the flower of consciousness. The consciousness that departs and arrives from those bright stars that are hearts full of love.

Consciousness and love are the two wings of life, the two wings of understanding.

Consciousness and love are what I call the Divine Couple.

"The Hug" - Digital art by VSB © Sunday January 29th 2012

See here another art work representing a hug.

"Margherite - Daisies" - Photography and Digital art by VSB © May 12th 2016

The Hug 2016 Version - Digital art by VSB © May 12th 2016

È la coscienza che muove tutto. Un piccolo cambiamento della coscienza equivale allo spostamento di un'intera galassia nell'universo.

It is the consciousness that moves everything. A small change of consciousness is equivalent to the movement of an entire galaxy in universe.

A present that I received today, after I wrote the lines above. Without doubt, the Universe is speaking very clearly to me! - Photo "Loving Hearts" by VSB © May 12th 2016

In front of me - Photo by VSB © May 12th 2016

A symbol that I keep on my desk, this symbol is also very serene.

Why do I like this symbol (that I bought long time ago in a jewellery stand in the market... it was among many others)? I like it because it reminds me about St. Brigid. In few words it is a symbol of the Divine Feminine, the Divine expressed in Her Feminine Light. You can also see a Cross in this symbol, and many other things. It represents many things and can be recognized by a wide range of thoughts and religious traditions.