Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Last sunset of June 2015

Last sunset of June 2015/1 - Ruby Angel of the Sun - Photo by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

This photo is available for prints on Art Pal.
Last sunset of June 2015/2 - Photo by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Peace and Love - Pace e Amore

Where there is Peace, is also Love.
Where there are Peace and Love
there is Enlightenment.
If you seek for Enlightenment,
reach Peace and Love...
and you will be at Home.

Dove c'è Pace, è anche Amore.

Dove ci sono Pace e Amore

vi è l'Illuminazione.

Se cercate l'Illuminazione,

raggiungete Pace e Amore ...

e sarete a Casa.

The Inner Sun - Design on paper by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Divine Couple dancing in the sky - Design on paper by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©
In my multi-dimensional voyages I learned many things... this is one of the most important.

In my multi-dimensional voyages I learned many things... this is one of the most important. In my words... the Deep Green teaching of the Universe. More than learning... this was a REMEMBERING of so many of my past and future lives. My knowledge rests on this teaching and it can't be erased.

The Awakening of the Divine Mother - Design on paper and watercolors by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Europe, it is time to take action - Europa, è il momento di agire

Europa, è il momento di agire e riscoprire - oppure scoprire di sana pianta - il concetto di sovranità... sovranità Europea.

Perché il denaro fu creato per servire l'uomo e non viceversa.

Io comunque rispetto anche tutte le istituzioni del denaro, sono riuscite a creare buoni servizi per tutti noi.

Comunque esercitare la sovranità vuol dire fare il meglio... il meglio per tutti e non solo per un ristretto gruppo di persone.

Europa, pensa e ripensa a te stessa. Riunisci le migliori intelligenze: non mancano ne' mezzi, ne' risorse.

Tanti docenti universitari esperti di queste cose potrebbero darsi una mossa: in genere hanno la facoltà e anche le disponibilità di mezzi e persone.

Si riuniscano in conferenza o teleconferenza e facciano qualcosa. Senza aspettare un bando europeo  che li ripaghi delle spese.

Perché tanta gente sta pagando le spese per tante cose con difficoltà di ogni tipo.

Sovranità Europea vuol dire pensare e decidere il meglio per le persone.

Europe, it is time to take action and rediscover - or discover from scratch - the concept of sovereignty ... European sovereignty.

Because money was created to serve man and not vice versa.

I still respect the institutions of money, they have managed to create good facilities for all of us.

However exercise sovereignty means doing the best ... the best for everyone, not just for a small group of people.

Europe, you deserve to have much consideration for yourself. Gather the best minds: there are available means and resources.

Many university professors - experts of these things - might make a move: they have the right and even the availability of means and people.

Come together in conference or teleconference and do something. Without waiting for an EU decree that repays the costs.

Because so many people are paying the costs for many things with difficulties of all kinds.

European sovereignty is to think and decide the best for people.

The sky this morning at dawn, 30 June 2015 - Photo by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©
 Today is the anniversary of my graduation in Political Science, University of  Florence: 30 June 1997 - but I realize this thing only now, just after I wrote this article.

Kula Shaker - Cavalry 

Sirius and Maya - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©