Saturday, 3 October 2015

Nostalgia di Paradiso - Nostalgic for Paradise

I am nostalgic for a place where no-one is rich or poor, where everyone is encouraged to express her/himself without fear.
I am nostalgic for a place where talent is not envied, but is treasured as a common richness of the community.
I am truly nostalgic for that place.


From Paradise - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni 3 October 2015
Every drawing I make is an existing person.

I did a portrait of my beloved Husband Carl few years before to meet him.

Every person I portrait in my drawings is an existing person.

I receive their messages from the Universe... and I feel the urge to do the drawing.

This is my talent.

Talent to read and receive Radio Universe.

Orion Constellation - Friday 21 December 2012 © Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni