Thursday 31 December 2015

The Universe speaks

 Gli esseri umani hanno bisogno dei sogni per sorridere e prosperare. Non si tratta solo di denaro... si tratta di respirare a pieni polmoni, di gioire della speranza, di avere abbastanza tempo libero per osservare le nuvole e le stelle. Queste cose non hanno prezzo.
Human beings need dreams to smile and thrive. It is not just money ... it is to be able to breathe deeply, to be able to rejoice in the hope, it is to have enough free time to watch the clouds and stars. These things are priceless.

Flying Couple With Double Sun (Saturday October 6th 2012) - This artwork is available for prints on this link: (Art Pal). If you would like to have this artwork printed on metal, please let me know it.

L'Universo parla, parla eccome!
La Coscienza che ci accomuna, la Coscienza di cui siamo figlie e figli, ci parla continuamente.
Ma siccome abbiamo la libertà, sta a noi ascoltare, sta a noi chiedere.

The Universe speaks, speaks and how!
Consciousness that unites us, the Consciousness of which we are daughters and sons, talks constantly.
But since we have the freedom, it is up to us to listen to, it's up to us to ask.

Digital art by VSB © My sunset photography (Summer 2015) + a photo of a white peony that I downloaded from Pixabay: I gladly publish the link to the photo of the flower, I am thankful