Tuesday, 5 May 2015

An alien called Viseman

An alien called Viseman - #DigitalArt by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 5 May 2015

Queste cose sulla razza che si diffondono sulla terra di tanto in tanto sono tutte cazzate. Quello che so è che gli umani sono di tanti tipi, sono esistiti da sempre di tanti tipi diversi... ma i cuori degli umani funzionano tutti allo stesso modo.

E siccome il cuore è tutto quello che conta, queste storie inventate dai razzisti sono tutte cazzate.

♥ ♦ ♣ ♠

These things about race that are spread on Earth from time to time are all bullshit. What I do know is that humans are of many kinds, always existed of many different kinds ... but the hearts of humans all work the same way.

And because the heart is all that matters, these stories invented by racists are all bullshit.

5th Chakra (7 May 2012) - One of the first portraits of the Alien Viseman - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

And this art work represents also the Spirit of a far away Star... because people in their many dimensions are fractal expressions of the Spirit of a Star. 
(Almost) Instant Throat Chakra Healing Meditation | 192Hz Frequency Vibrations and Music: link to a Youtube meditation video

Again...from the alien called Viseman

This 2015

This 2015 is a very powerful year... I am renewing myself... I am turning the impossible in possible.
Every day that is passing by I have more trust in the humankind, because the humankind can go beyond any limit.
I can see the future of this planet blossoming with clean energy and caring people: caring for the environment and also for their fellow humans.

Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©