Friday, 24 April 2015

No more war for business - Non più guerre come affari

No ai bombardamenti per denaro, no all guerra come affare, no alle distruzioni - comode comode - in casa d'altri. No all'informazione-spazzatura.
Europa, svegliati prima che sia troppo tardi. Smetti di pensare all'economia come a uno stupido pallottoliere conta-spiccioli e tira fuori gli ideali: ideali di Pace e Diritti Umani!

No bombings for money, no war as business, no destruction-comfortable comfortable-in the house of others. No to junk information.
Europe, wake up before it's too late. Stop thinking like a stupid economy abacus counts-pennies and pulls out the ideals: ideals of Peace and Human Rights!

Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © To see more digital art like this, visit my blog of art Black And White Meditations

Ho quasi 44 anni - I am almost 44 years old

Ho quasi 44 anni, l'età in cui mio nonno morì. Mio nonno era un partigiano.
Io ho studiato Scienze Politiche come desiderava lui. Le sue figlie non potettero frequentare l'Università, visto che loro padre morì giovane: dovettero andare a lavorare in fabbrica da bambine.

Io so che i partigiani lottavano contro un regime totalitario. Ma avendo studiato seriamente queste cose, so bene che Mussolini fu un esperimento, un esperimento internazionale... così come anche Hitler fu un esperimento... un esperimento che uscì dalle previsioni fatte dai capi del mondo che lo misero al potere.

Poco male, le guerre e le dittature portano soldi ai padroni del mondo, padroni del mondo che spesso se ne fregano dei diritti umani.

Così è... se vi pare.

I am almost 44 years old, the age when my grandfather died. My grandfather was a partisan.

I have studied Political Science as he wanted. His daughters could not attend University, since their father died young: they had to go to work in the factory from teenagers.

I know that the partisans were fighting against a totalitarian regime. But having studied these things seriously, I know that Mussolini was an experiment, an international experiment ... so as even Hitler was an experiment ... an experiment that emerged from the forecast made by the world leaders who put him in power.

Shortly evil, wars and dictatorships bring money to the world masters, masters of the world that often don't care about human rights.

A flower for human rights - Photo by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Plants on my balcony - Piante sul mio balcone

Plants on my balcony were enjoying the sunset :) They are good plants... don't need much water. I found them fallen on the ground from other terraces, even while I was walking in other parts of the city... you know... this sort of plants sometimes leave their places to expand their roots somewhere else.

Piantine sul mio terrazzo, foto scattata al tramonto. Aprile 2015 a Prato. Photo by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©