Friday 7 August 2015

This world needs

This world needs more faith and less religions - Vanessa

Sì, sono nata sul pianeta Terra per scrivere le parole "Pace" e "Amore" sul Sacro Smeraldo Eterico.

L'operazione è già stata realizzata.

In verità una persona come me non avrebbe nemmeno essere potuta nascere su questo Pianeta. Ci sono nata perché è stata acconsentita la mia nascita.

In realtà una come me sarebbe stata incompatibile con questo mondo.

Ma Mister Blu con la sua Consorte, che regnano in questa zona, sono stati ben contenti di farmi passare... perché in questo caso ci voleva una persona che parla e agisce chiaro come me.7

Da quando sono nata io lavoro e sto ancora lavorando tantissimo, giorno e notte.


Yes, I was born on the planet Earth to write the words "Peace" and "Love" on the Sacred Etheric Emerald.

The transcription has already been implemented.

In truth a person like me would not even have been able to be born on this planet. I was born here because my birth has been consented.

Actually someone like me would be incompatible with this world.

But Mister Blue with his Wife, who reign in this area, were only too happy to let me arrive here ... because in this case it took a person who speaks and acts as clearly as me.7


Since I was born I worked and I'm still working very hard, day and night.


Today I wrote this words on a tablet of eteric but still very powerful Emerald: "This world needs More Faith and Less Religions"

Divine Couple in a world of light - framed version - 7 August 2015 © Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni
Divine Couple and the breeze of love - Drawing on paper - 13 December 2011 © by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni - Thank you... yes... it is a beautiful drawing. I even did change it with digital art... but nothing that I can do can improve this simple drawing on paper
This artwork is available for prints on this link (ArtPal):

Pencil on paper: "Vuoi ballare carissima? (Mars and Venus in love)" - Design by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 31 January 2012
Divine Couple - Emerald Tablet Version - 7 August 2015 © Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni