The first photo on the top is from this morning at 8... as well the other three in the bottom. The other photos are from the afternoon of December 6th 2015 © Photography by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni, in Tuscany, Italy. In the photo just above this caption... maybe you can also see vaguely a figure in the clouds... a figure that reminds me the character in the drawing that I did early this morn. |
Couple with cyclamen color sky (Coppia con cielo di color ciclamino) Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © December 5th/6th 2015 |
Love and the Creation are infinite numbers
The Universe is infinite for this reason
because is a creation of Love
and Love is always new
Nuvole e montagne di Toscana, stamani alle 8 il cielo era così - Photography by VSB © December 6th 2015 |
I don't meditate sitting on the road or in the woods like someone really did or is still doing in India, but I have a weird life
(considered weird nowadays)... I mean I live in a sort of informal
ashram that is my home... I rarely leave my home, only when it is
strictly necessity. I spend all my days doing drawings, writing,
watching the mountains and the clouds from my windows and taking
photos... these are my extreme sports. In the past I also used to
travel... but now I just travel with my soul.
One of my posts on the social media. I'm not unemployed... I am an artist, and I have a lot to do every day. When I lost my job it wasn't easy... but I thought: I can do a lot, I have a lot of things to say... I have the art. And so I opened 4 blogs: two art blogs, one foodie blog, one blog on tumblr. I'm very active on the social media: I am on TSU, Facebook (with my profile and 2 pages), G+, Pinterest, Twitter... I have a lot to do and I am very happy! |