Questo è l'angelo (ora lo chiamerei Y) che mi ha aiutato a trovare mio marito Carl in questa vita. Questo disegno è stato fatto il 26 Gennaio 2012 e come vedete ha tre versioni, una su carta e due con colori aggiunti con il software per arte digitale.
This is the angel (now would call him Y) that helped me find my husband Carl in this life. This design was made January 26, 2012 and as you can see has three versions, a paper one and two with colors added with software for digital art.
"Someone -Y- with flowers" - January 26th 2012 © vsb
L'identità delle anime antiche è multidimensionale.
The identity of ancient souls is multidimensional.
True love happens when is the moment... not a minute before, because true love is connected with Radio Universe.
♥ ♥
Compassione e Misericordia, due concetti che illuminano la stessa cosa... da due differenti punti di vista: umano e divino. Essere compassionevoli avvicina gli umani a Dio, mentre la Misericordia è il sentimento di Dio per le Sue creature.
Compassion and Mercy, two concepts that illuminate the same thing ... from two different points of view: human and divine. Be compassionate approaches humans in God, while Mercy is the feeling of God for His/Her creatures.
Compassione e Misericordia, due concetti che illuminano la stessa cosa... da due differenti punti di vista: umano e divino. Essere compassionevoli avvicina gli umani a Dio, mentre la Misericordia è il sentimento di Dio per le Sue creature.
Compassion and Mercy, two concepts that illuminate the same thing ... from two different points of view: human and divine. Be compassionate approaches humans in God, while Mercy is the feeling of God for His/Her creatures.
Pink Gems Sunset. 4 picture photoset by vsb © The sunset today was particularly delicate with plenty of pink tones... Sunday January 17th 2016 |
C'è una parte della Coscienza... una parte che non muore mai. È quella cosa che ispira l'arte e gli artisti... ed è per questo che alcune opere sembrano senza tempo, perché in effetti portano messaggi che vanno oltre il tempo e lo spazio. Con la meditazione si può accedere a questa parte multi-dimensionale della coscienza. Essendo l'universo infinito, non possiamo inventare niente con la fantasia. Quello che riceviamo, esiste. - Vanessa
There is a part of Consciousness ... a part that never dies. It's that thing that inspires art and artists ... and this is why some works seem timeless, because in fact they carry messages that go beyond time and space. With meditation it is possible to access this part of the multi-dimensional consciousness. Being the universe infinite, we can not invent anything with imagination. What we receive, exists. - Vanessa
The snowy mountain top and the blue sky, today in the early afternoon © photo vsb January 17th 2016 |
Anxiety is a hidden talent in waiting to be expressed ... this is my experience
you can have a well paid job and still be anxious
but if you can truly
truly express yourself
truly express your spiritual freedom
you'll see the anxiety transform itself in a beautiful
blue flower,
the blue flower of Divine Love.
This happened to me in this life,
in this difficult
but beautiful
life. - Vanessa
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Artist unknown - Photo from Pixabay, for image credits please click this link: |
Consciousness is the first fabric of the Universe... but I don't exclude that on the physical state of existence, the Consciousness arrives to exude from the matter... and in the end she/he remembers to be everywhere and everything.
Consciousness manifests her/himself on different planes of existence, included the physical one, and every of these manifestations realizes her/himself on an ulterior step forward.
But obviously time exists only in certain dimensions, so everything and everywhere is already here... it takes only the freedom of the single being, the freedom of interpretation. - Vanessa