Monday, 3 March 2014

Food for spiritual beings as human rights - Cibo per esseri spirituali come diritto umano

On the 13th of March 2013 my Mum sadly passed away. In that period I was deeply meditating every day because I could feel that my life was going to change radically. I was in a constant state of trance and I could travel beyond worlds and dimensions. In that time I was in contact with the Universal forces, the sacred "matrix" where everything is constantly created. The Universe is a multidimensional living being and every person and living being is part of him/her. It is clear that every creature needs other living creatures to survive, but it is very important to be respectful towards every form of life, trying to avoid violence and disrespectful behaviour. Because human beings are able to understand many things, if they want, it is very important to be conscious as much is possible of our actions.

One year ago in my meditations I came in contact with some Universal Deities and I received important knowledge about health and food. Obviously I must say that I am not a medical doctor and what I am writing here comes from my intuitions during meditation. I know for sure that following these knowledge I was able to loose 25 kilograms in very short time. This was my experience.

In one of those meditations with the Universal Deities I received the following message that I want to publish again here:

"It is very important a personal reflection about the non-violent food.
[Food] It is an exclusive choice of the Person.
But for the impartial Truth of the Human Spirituality is well to know that: 1 ) all the Living Creatures are Equal. 2) The Human Liver is very closed to the liver of the Pig (it can be transplanted successfully in a Human and consequently is a scientific truth that a Human Being in Good State of Health is Perfectly Able to create Human proteins only starting from fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and nuts.) 3) Eating FRESH FRUIT, FRESH VEGETABLES and NUTS is perfectly sufficient for a Human Being. 4 ) Some Native tribes lived on meat, but the Animal killed was worshipped as Messenger of Divinities or manifestation of the Goddess/God. Therefore were celebrated special ceremonies to honour the Animal that had given her/his Body for their Life. 5 ) The meat that we can find at the supermarket is a Spiritual donation from Living Creature that very often has been treated by humans as INFERIOR SPECIES (and this is a great lack of respect for the Spiritual energy of the whole Universe, it is a lack of respect to Love and Light). If we need for medical or climatic reason to eat this meat we need to acknowledge with Sincerity the Spirit of the Animal and Thank the Living Being that so generously donated Her/His Life for our physical existence. We need to be Grateful and try to live in Spirit of Peace as thanksgiving to the Spiritual Donation from the Animal Generosity. 6 ) Is well to do all is in our power to stop the lack of respect against the Animals, all the Animals in-distinctively. 7) In case of depleted health of a Human Being they are available many other proteins from exclusive vegetable origin (i. e. Tofu from Soya, providing that is OGM free) . 8 ) With FRESH FRUITS, FRESH VEGETABLES and FRESH NUTS I intend something REALLY FRESH and OGM FREE arriving from a LOCAL FARM only a BRIEF TIME after the collection from the field or if it's possible from our garden or neighbours. 9 ) It is very important to DEMAND to the market and Institutions the availability of OGM FREE FRESH FRUITS, FRESH VEGETABLES and FRESH NUTS possibly from LOCAL PRODUCTION (OTHERWISE THE FREEDOM TO CULTIVATE and barter LOCALLY): THIS IS HUMAN FOOD and THEREFORE HUMAN RIGHTS.

MILK and DEARY PRODUCTS: it is YOGI / YOGINI FOOD that REQUIRES a YOGI HEART and MIND of VENERATION to the COW as SPIRITUAL BEING. Again, the disrespectful way these Wonderful Spiritual Beings are often treated by the market imposes to the Yogi / Yogini a particular reflection and careful choice of the producer... and also ceremonials of thanksgiving that are very very delicate to express . And this is entirely up to the CONSCIOUSNESS and RESPONSIBILITY of the Yogi / Yogini. A Human Being on the Path of Veneration of Animals as Spiritual Beings could have the opportunity to carefully walk on this theme as Spiritual exercise (But on Planet Earth now this is a VERY SERIOUS THEME. It is important to TRULY LOVE ANIMALS, have SINCERE GRATITUDE and AVOID DISRESPECTFUL PRODUCERS. And OFFER SPECIAL CEREMONIES OF GRATITUDE TO THE SPIRITUAL BEING THAT OFFERED THE MILK to us that are still learning compared to the SUPERIOR Spirituality of the COW. Milk of OTHER LIVING CREATURES : it is valid the RESPECT FOR THE ANIMAL AS SPIRITUAL BEING and all the other things I said about the RESPECT and EQUALITY of LIVING BEINGS.

We are not 2 thousand years ago now, Human Beings are in the Ascension process and the Spiritual Path REQUIRES an ACTIVE research and awareness. Awareness of Equality of all Living Beings.
For a Spiritual Being is necessary always to prepare the Food and eat as Spiritual experience with non-violent Spirit and the Heart full of Gratitude. It is a great Spiritual exercise for both Men and Women to prepare the food with this attitude: it brings great awareness and opens a communication channel with the True Self.

Thank You, Peace and Love to You."

Lord Shiva - Art Work picture from Google - Please if you know the credits of this art work, write them in the comments and I will provide to integrate them in this caption.

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