Wednesday, 29 April 2015

My Home

Integrity is the path to illumination. - Emerald Constitution - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©
This artwork depicts my Soul Identity in a Landscape with the Sacred Towers of Emerald and it is available for prints on Art Pal (please click this link):
Emerald Rain Alphabet - Digital collage by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni

On this page you can see some things that can give you an idea of my travels in this Universe.

As you can see, the signs on the Sacred Emerald Tablet ... that writing is the ancient language of the Cosmos.

The language is connected with the ancient Greece and also the Etruscan language: both these civilizations treasured some of the ancient knowledge.

Drawing by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

And this is why racism is so absurd... because the so called "Northern and Mediterranean" Traditions have really only one root... in the Cosmos.

Sacred Emerald Tablet... for me this is the "Emerald Constitution". This photo is visible searching on Google.

Sacred Symbol by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Drawing on paper from a lovely place © by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni
As you can see... Wikipedia confirmed to me a lot of things that came to my memory. I am grateful to Wikipedia and I invite you to make a donation to Wikipedia.

Pyramids and their vortex of energy

#DigitalArt by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

#DigitalArt by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Thank you all for liking, reading and sharing my blog. I know that a world of peace and love is possible.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Food and Water are Human Rights

We need to stop destroying food to keep the value of money. It is absurd to destroy food that is real life to mantain the value of a symbolic thing like the money.

We need to take care of all the food that remains unsold... food that could produce more jobs for all the unemployed people.

The unsold food could exit from the market regulated by the money and enter in a special market that recuperates the value of this resource, also giving dignity to all people that nowadays are excluded from the economy.

I think that this could be a good idea... a good start to solve the injustice that we are facing everyday!

Stop wasting food, stop to the segregation through unemployment!

About the freedom and the Resistenza (watch the video with Piero Calamandrei's words).

The et(h)ernal me - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © (28 April 2015)
Hitler and Mussolini were experiments... political experiments finished in tragedy. Who put them in power is still ruling the planet. This is why this planet is an immense apartheid field with people that are dying without food and water and other people that are thought to give a fuck about this problem. We are all becoming like kapos in concentration camps: we may see the problem, but we are pretending that the problem is not there. We see homeless and people in need, but the regime tells us to think that is their problem... they somehow deserve it to be in that situation. The truth is that in a world like this the poverty helps the few rich ones to get even more rich... and provides them all those precious kapos indispensible to run the concentration camp called planet earth. Eroi Partigiani della Resistenza e della Lotta di Liberazione

Monday, 27 April 2015

The Sacred Emerald of Love

I read somewhere that someone tried the suicide because was earning only a monthly pension of 1200 euro/month.... my income is zero. zero. zero.

But I won't harm myself. No. I will speak. I will be a pain in the ass. Till the last breath of my life.

I must say, sometimes I feel a little... alien, haha! 

I must say also that in this situation is very clear who is truly a friend ad who is not.

In the past I've been helping a lot of people.

When I truly needed some help I saw that the memories of what I did for many people were gone forgotten.

Someone even said to me: with that horrible face how is possible that you find a job!

My face was the face of fear. I saw the horror of the solitude, I was in need and I saw no signs of people around me.

I've been working long time, I've been a reliable worker for many people. 

I did more than what I could, always.

And when I truly needed help, no one was here for me. Only the Divine Mother appeared to me many times in visions.

And She still does.

Many times in the morning I see Her around.

I know because when I open the eyes I see all green around me.

It is the Green Sacred Emerald in Her Etheric Form that is surrounding me.

It is true!

Once I had a bad illness (in 2013...), my thongue was black. I knew that I should have been dead in that state.

My "alien" contacts and the Divine Mother kept me alive.

You can believe me or not, but I know that I spent a whole night without breathing.

They told me to avoid to breathe because it was worse for me... for my kidneys.

And so I didn't breathe any more for all night.

My alien family kept me alive through passing me energy and everything I needed from a special chakra residing at the base of the head, behind the neck.

You can believe me or not, but this is the truth.

Anyway, here on Planet Earth I am considered (de facto) useless. I am content because many people are reading my blogs anyway :) because for sure I am good at writing. Because I have the courage to talk about many aspects of the reality that other writers don't have the possibility - or the courage - to talk about.

Linkedin is asking me if I ever did any volunteer job. Honestly they make me laugh.

I worked a lot in my life... but the earn was very relative, haha! And, if nothing changes in the legislation, I will also be without pension because after many year of (underpaid) work, even in a local newspaper, from the pension organization are resulting only 5 years of contributions. 

Because I am very good, too good, I was earning peanuts. Anyway I am thankful to all of my job givers, because it could have been much worse, much worse without them! I know that they could only act like that for a difficult situation in wich are we all immerged.

I just believed that with that little earning I would never have been without job... but unfortunately that nightmare became a truth.

Tough! Now I know my true strenght.

This is the war, the war in a new form... it is an undecleared civil war against the most good and generous people. The sharks, the human predators are ruling the world, but they don't know to be in danger because they are in the hands of their own kind of people. They all will know this thing the first time that they will need some help.

In the mean time I am contacting my alien family to ask them to teach me how to survive without food... because I am even tired to eat. 

I know that in the past I was capable to live without eating, just using the free energy of the Universe.

I want to thank here every human being that is helping me, in every form. Even reading these lines that I am writing.

What you can do for me, even a little thing, will give you the liberation from the illusions... in this life and in other lives. I am not joking!

With Immortal Love, Vanessa.

II and IV Chakra, my ways to Illumination - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 27 April 2015

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Lui è il tipo che pilota l'astronave - He's the guy who pilots the ship

Lui è il tipo che pilota l'astronave.

Non parla quasi mai, come se non avesse voce... ma invece ce l'ha.
Socchiude gli occhi e parla con la mente, e io lo ricevo.

L'astronave si muove con un semplice movimento della sua coscienza, un socchiudere d'occhi e la nave si sposta di anni luce.

Nella vita immediatamente precedente a questa io ero molto simile a lui. E anche in questa vita mi è rimasto tanto di quel modo di fare.

Ecco perché a vedermi dall'esterno sono considerata molto riflessiva, c'è chi mi giudica frettolosamente come una che va piano o che dorme in piedi... qualcuno che non capisce o non può capire mi giudica così.

Ma quando serve mi muovo in fretta e penso in fretta, posso fare incredibili cose sul lavoro, e le ho fatte in poco tempo. Le persone si sono chieste come ho fatto mai a fare tutto in così poco tempo.

Comunque la profondità è la mia specializzazione. Posso ricevere e trasmettere contemporaneamente in modalità multi-dimensionale.

He's the guy who pilots the ship.

Does not speak... almost never, as if he had no voice, but instead he has.

He squints and speaks with the mind, and I receive what he thinks.

 The ship goes with a simple movement of his consciousness... a blink of an eye and already the spaceship is gone light years away.

In a life just before this I was very similar to him. And even in this life I have remained so much of that attitude.

That's why who see me from outside considers me very reflective, there are those who judge me hurriedly as one that goes slowly or who sleeps standing up ... somebody who doesn't understand or can't figure out thinks like that about me.

But when I move fast and think quickly, I can do amazing things at work, and I have made in a short time. People have asked how I did ever to do everything in such a short time.

However the depth is my specialization. I can receive and transmit simultaneously in multi-dimensional mode.
He's the guy who pilots the ship - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 26 April 2015

Kindness is a luxury item, the most expensive item... kindness is priceless!

Kubera Mantra

We are all only serving the Divine Consciousness, we are here only for brief time: why don't we all choose Love and Kindness? Planet Earth is so beautiful, we are all so blessed, there is abundance for us all!

Saturday, 25 April 2015

L'astronave e lo spazio-tempo che si piega al suo passaggio - The spaceship and the space-time that bends to her step

The spaceship and the space-time that bends to her step - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 25 April 2015

La civiltà da dove provengo è fatta di persone libere. Le menti vengono tenute libere da pensieri distruttivi e autodistruttivi. I pensieri sono cose potenti e bisogna averne cura.
Se si sono superati i pensieri violenti e autodistruttivi, l'universo ci riconosce e si piega al nostro passaggio. Perché non siamo violenti, l'universo ci fa passare.

Non facciamo male, ma vogliamo bene. L'amore e i pensieri amorevoli sono la cosa che fa guadagnare il cammino nello spazio-tempo e l'accesso all'immortalità.

La coerenza e la non violenza sono le chiavi delle civiltà più avanzate.

The civilization from where I come from is made up of the free people. Minds are kept free of destructive and self-destructive thoughts. Thoughts are powerful things and you have to take care of them.

Because we are beyond the violent and self-destructive thoughts, the universe recognizes us and bends to our passage. Because we are not violent, the universe makes us go.

We don't do evil, but we give love. Love and loving thoughts are the things that make earn the way to the spacetime and the access to immortality.

Coherence and non-violence are the keys of the most advanced civilizations.

Goddess and God, blissful rain - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 3 March 2013

Bella Ciao

Mio nonno, partigiano medaglia d'oro, un pensiero a lui in questo giorno speciale. Dicendo anche che le vittime delle guerre sono tutte vittime della più grande ingiustizia: l'ingordigia degli esseri umani che porta a speculare sulle disgrazie e sulla prevaricazione.

My grandfather, partisan with gold medal, I think to him on this special day. Also saying that the victims of the wars are all victims of the greatest injustice: the greed of human beings that speculates on the misfortunes and the prevarications.

Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

North Star

North Star - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 25 April 2015

He that lives far away

He that lives far away - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 25 April 2015

He that lives far away... he's witnessing all the things that are happening here on Planet Earth. My consciousness is expanded till reaching so far away from here. Because for the activated chakras of Heart and Third Eye distances don't exist. Such distant places are just behind the corner of my consciousness.

I wish you all a beautiful weekend... a relaxing Saturday... and a good holiday to all the Italians

Healing pictures - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Friday, 24 April 2015

No more war for business - Non più guerre come affari

No ai bombardamenti per denaro, no all guerra come affare, no alle distruzioni - comode comode - in casa d'altri. No all'informazione-spazzatura.
Europa, svegliati prima che sia troppo tardi. Smetti di pensare all'economia come a uno stupido pallottoliere conta-spiccioli e tira fuori gli ideali: ideali di Pace e Diritti Umani!

No bombings for money, no war as business, no destruction-comfortable comfortable-in the house of others. No to junk information.
Europe, wake up before it's too late. Stop thinking like a stupid economy abacus counts-pennies and pulls out the ideals: ideals of Peace and Human Rights!

Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © To see more digital art like this, visit my blog of art Black And White Meditations

Ho quasi 44 anni - I am almost 44 years old

Ho quasi 44 anni, l'età in cui mio nonno morì. Mio nonno era un partigiano.
Io ho studiato Scienze Politiche come desiderava lui. Le sue figlie non potettero frequentare l'Università, visto che loro padre morì giovane: dovettero andare a lavorare in fabbrica da bambine.

Io so che i partigiani lottavano contro un regime totalitario. Ma avendo studiato seriamente queste cose, so bene che Mussolini fu un esperimento, un esperimento internazionale... così come anche Hitler fu un esperimento... un esperimento che uscì dalle previsioni fatte dai capi del mondo che lo misero al potere.

Poco male, le guerre e le dittature portano soldi ai padroni del mondo, padroni del mondo che spesso se ne fregano dei diritti umani.

Così è... se vi pare.

I am almost 44 years old, the age when my grandfather died. My grandfather was a partisan.

I have studied Political Science as he wanted. His daughters could not attend University, since their father died young: they had to go to work in the factory from teenagers.

I know that the partisans were fighting against a totalitarian regime. But having studied these things seriously, I know that Mussolini was an experiment, an international experiment ... so as even Hitler was an experiment ... an experiment that emerged from the forecast made by the world leaders who put him in power.

Shortly evil, wars and dictatorships bring money to the world masters, masters of the world that often don't care about human rights.

A flower for human rights - Photo by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Plants on my balcony - Piante sul mio balcone

Plants on my balcony were enjoying the sunset :) They are good plants... don't need much water. I found them fallen on the ground from other terraces, even while I was walking in other parts of the city... you know... this sort of plants sometimes leave their places to expand their roots somewhere else.

Piantine sul mio terrazzo, foto scattata al tramonto. Aprile 2015 a Prato. Photo by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Navaratna - Le nove gemme sacre

  1. Ruby for Surya (Sun),
  2. Pearl for Chandra (Moon),
  3. Red Coral for Mangala (Mars),
  4. Emerald for Budha (Mercury),
  5. Yellow sapphire for Bṛhaspati (Jupiter),
  6. Diamond for Shukra (Venus),
  7. Blue sapphire for Shani (Saturn),
  8. Hessonite for Rahu (the ascending node of the Moon)
  9. Cat's Eye for Ketu (the descending node of the Moon),
    ...these gems must be high-born and flawless.

This is the pendant with the Sacred Nine Gems that is always around my neck.

Human Rights - Diritti Umani

Human Rights are more important than any money. Without Human Rights there is no civilization, nor culture, nor life. Without Human Rights richness and wealth have no sense, but they become  symbols of hypocrisy and exploitation.

I Diritti Umani sono più importanti di qualunque somma di denaro. Senza Diritti Umani non c'è civiltà e neppure cultura, neppure vita.
Senza Diritti Umani la ricchezza e l'opulenza non hanno senso, anzi sono simbolo di ipocrisia e sfruttamento.

Human Rights - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Blue Star - Stella Blu

  • How it looks like a blue sun in the sky? It looks like this:
  • Come si presenta un sole azzurro nel cielo? Si presenta così:

    Blue Star - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Planet Earth is a Paradise - Pianeta Terra è un Paradiso

La Terra è un Paradiso... uno tra i più belli posti abitati e abitabili in questo universo. C'è da dire che qui abita anche Caronte con i suoi colleghi... i traghettatori per l'inferno.

Per denaro chiudono le persone stipate in barconi... spesso sotto chiave in stiva senza possibilità di respirare.

Ora dico... in questo mondo di super-tecnologia dove dai satelliti ci guardano anche le targhe delle auto... dove sanno anche del più piccolo acquisto che facciamo al supermercato... non riescono a vedere un campo-lager dove sono rinchiusi quei poveretti in attesa del "viaggio" per mare?

Non ci credo e non ci posso credere. Qui con Caronte e i suoi colleghi ci stanno guadagnando in tanti... in troppi!

Tutti a far finta di non vedere e non sapere.

I diritti umani sono più importanti di ogni somma di denaro: una cosa così urge attenzione e azione, non solo chiacchere!

Planet Earth is a paradise ... one of the most beautiful places and habitable areas in this universe. It must be said that here inhabits even Charon with his colleagues ... the ferrymen to hell.

For the money people crammed into boats ... often locked in the hold with no chance to breathe.

Now I say ... in this world of super-technology where satellites are watching us even car number plates ... where they also know the smallest purchase we make at the supermarket ... don't manage to see a field-camp where they are locked up those poor souls waiting for the "journey" through the sea?

I don't believe it! Here with Charon and his colleagues there are gaining in many ... too many!

All to pretend not to see and not knowing.

Human rights are more important than any amount of money: something so urges caution and action, not just chat!

The photos on this post are from the website Wallpaperscraft

Illuminati or not illuminati... who is making money on the desperation of people... who is using money for corruption... should be banned to use the money at all... forever.