It is always well respect and honor all the Deities, because They are united as One.
If someone believe in some Deity, is wise also be respectful also to all the other Deities.
Goddess and Goddesses, God and Deity.. Gods and Deities, are united as One.
Destroy a Holy Image brings always misfortune... look what happened after were destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan.
If you don't believe in some Deity of Deities, you don't have to be unrespectful.
The word "God" or the word "Goddess", even if you are Atheist or you believe only in a certain God and not in Other Gods, needs always to be written with the capital letter.
This is true because Deities belong all to the same Family. They are all Brothers and Sisters, Children of Other Ancient Deities.
If you offend a Divinity, the Other Divinities won't be pleased, believe me.
Divinities are alive in every Human Being... You don't know which Divinity can be hidden in a Human Being... and also in an Animal!
Treat Respectfully Every Human Being and Every Animal!
This artwork exists in two versions. The first that I created was
the red one, that I called (Red Buddha) Interstellar Hero, the second is
called The Hero and the Moon. They were both made the 17th March 2014 A very delicate time for me Like all the life it is for sensitive people.
The figure of the Hero is very important for me... my grandfather, that
was a Partisan, was a hero, heroes are many of my ancestors that are
all honest people. Yes, my family is full of honest workers and - yes -
even heroes. I started to work at 17 years old, I trained to be a journalist in a local newspaper, I was independent already. I am not a fortune teller. I am a hero... too. Namasté |
Statue of Hermanubis, a hybrid of Anubis and the Greek god Hermes (Vatican Museums) "Statue of the God Anubis" by © User:Colin / Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Read Here |
yes... without reading this article from Wikipedia, from my meditation I knew
instinctively that Anubis and Hermes are somehow the same Deity.
And without be a professional fortune teller, I can also say that
joking about the God Anubis is not very wise. When I decided to talk
about these things I did because I knew that it was a very important
thing to do.
Organize a war to make profit brings immense misfortune, because every Human Being can be the Home of a Deity.
Making money using and abusing people brings immense misfortune for the same reason.
Making money destroying the Environment brings immense misfortune for the same reason.
Written with Truth.
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