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Young freed from slavery - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 22 September 2015 |
After the liberation of that group of planets... many people needed to be looked after properly.
During the night were arriving via spaceships many groups of people used just to live underground, they were suffering many problems, and first of all they needed care and attention.
Some stayed long periods in the hospitals, some remained by us, some managed to go back and help the reconstruction of their planets.
Hospitals are located near the universities, and they have also large allotments of land where are available fresh vegetables and fruit.
Many of the freed from slavery, once they were beginning to feel better, were enjoying to spend some hours outside in the botanical and food gardens. The night was luminous enough for them that were used to live in such inhospitable and dark environments.
They were used to talk, read and meditate in those garden, and some they were already willing to help the host planet, they wanted to work in those land of the hospital as soon as they felt better, because they were not used to be doing nothing.
But the doctors were vigilant and told them to just sit and breathe.
They told them that they needed to have a rest...
Dopo la liberazione di quel gruppo di pianeti ... molte persone avevano bisogno di essere accudite adeguatamente.Durante la notte arrivavano via astronave molti gruppi di persone abituate solo a vivere nel sottosuolo, loro soffrivano molti problemi, e prima di tutto avevano bisogno di cure e attenzioni. Alcuni sono rimasti per lunghi periodi negli ospedali, poi dopo la convalescenza alcuni si stabilirono definitivamente da noi, alcuni invece hanno espresso il desiderio di tornare indietro ai loro luoghi di origine per aiutare la ricostruzione dei loro pianeti. Gli ospedali sono situati vicino alle università, e hanno anche grandi appezzamenti di terreno dove sono disponibili frutta e verdura fresca. Molti dei liberati dalla schiavitù, una volta che cominciavano a sentirsi meglio, trascorrevano alcune ore all'aperto godendosi la pace nei giardini botanici e alimentari. La notte era abbastanza luminosa per loro che erano abituati a vivere in ambienti così inospitali e oscuri.
Erano soliti parlare, meditare e leggere nei giardini, e alcuni di loro erano presto disposti ad aiutare il pianeta ospite e volevano aiutare nella cura dei terreni dell'ospedale, e questo non appena si sentivano meglio, perché non erano davvero abituati a stare senza fare nulla. Ma i medici erano vigili e dicevano loro di sedersi e respirare. Dicevano loro che avevano bisogno di avere un periodo di riposo ...
One day I was watching an old film... the title of the film was Kapo. I was quite young... I think I was 12 or 13 years old. My mum was watching the film and I was sitting near her... was a sunny afternoon... so I remember that day. But the film was sad... was the story of slavery on Planet Earth that we all know well.. that slavery never ended at the end of the World War II... it only changed shape... that day I began to remember something of my past lives... I imagined many time to change that story... to go there and save those people... I felt... and I still feel so much love for people in necessity... in necessity of freedom and peace...
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