Wednesday, 26 August 2015

The two sides of my Soul

Sirius and Alcyone - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © Wednesday 19 December 2012

These are the two sides of my Soul... Sirius represents the Blue Ray (that in Terrestrial terms is the Light of the Nordic Deities and also some Christian and Jew Traditions) and Alcyone represents many form of Cosmic Buddhism and especially the Tantric Traditions of Pleiades... in my Spiritual Research I simply understood that all these Traditions are represented in my Soul. On the background of the picture you can see 7 Stars that represent the Pleiades... and not only....

Peace and Unity - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 6 August 2015

My research to me means these things... to know the roots of my Soul. And I know that the difference between religions are indeed a poor and confusing thing on Planet Earth.

I see faiths and religions as a continuum of colors on the same rainbow... you need to know a lot of them to have a whole idea of many things...

Changing color of the glasses (because see the world through different religious traditions means to change the color of the glasses with which we perceive the world) helped me to see with my own eyes.

Even to say "the two sides of my Soul"... is a simplification to give an idea of how works my Faith and Soul... because my faith is indeed always new in every moment.

Mostly is like this... the "male side" is a little like the Archangel Michael... and the Divine Feminine is a Buddhist-Tantric Deity.

It was long time ago that these two great traditions were united in the Cosmos... and my roots came from that Divine Union.

Namasté - Vanessa

Sirius and Alcyone, Second version - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © Wednesday 19 December 2012

Meditation tools:

Some Blue Light for You : Archangel Michel Attunement

The Side of the Divine Mother: Kurukulle Mantra

Sunday, 23 August 2015


This is what I gathered in my Spiritual Research: God has both the aspects, Feminine and Masculine.
And so Feminine and Masculine are manifested in every Human Being.

When I pray I feel complete, because I am one thing with my Divine Masculine side.
When I pray I can also be united with the Divine Feminine, be One thing with Her, and so I can have vast visions of Time and Space.

To live well is necessity to be United with our Intelligence and Imagination, Imagination is a Divine Gift... we need to treasure this Gift... because this gift can help us to live in harmony.

When we meet our True Self in our inner world, both sides... Feminine and Masculine... we can also see harmony and love even in this material plane of existence.

Namasté - Vanessa

Questo è quello che ho raccolto nella mia ricerca spirituale: Dio ha entrambi gli aspetti, femminile e maschile.
E così il divino femminile e il divino maschile si manifestano in ogni essere umano.

Quando prego mi sento completa, perché io sono una cosa sola con il mio lato Maschile Divino.
Quando prego posso anche essere unita con il Divino Femminile, essere una cosa sola con Lei, e così posso avere grandi visioni del Tempo e dello Spazio.

Per vivere bene è necessario essere connessi con la nostra intelligenza e immaginazione, L'immaginazione è un dono Divino e ... dobbiamo fare tesoro di questo regalo ... perché questo dono può aiutarci a vivere in armonia.

Quando incontriamo il nostro Vero Sé nel nostro mondo interiore, in entrambe le sue parti ... divino femminile e divino maschile ... possiamo vedere l'armonia e l'amore anche su questo piano materiale dell'esistenza.

Namasté - Vanessa

Divine Couple - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © This artwork is available for prints ... even on clothes and home decor... on this website: Fine Art America

Divine Couple, the two sides of my Soul - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 23 August 2015
Fiori - Flowers - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 21 August 2015

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Sensitivity, Intelligence and Ascension

Let's speak the truth... on this planet intelligent and sensitive people are largely discriminated.
More than anyone else, intelligent and sensitive people are bullied starting from their early age... this is how it works this place.
Intelligent and sensitive people are just systematically exploited by the "smart and merciless" ones.
It is how the "system" works here.
You can make career only if you can bear the boredom... and be capable to bear a certain amount of boredom means that the intelligence has been already damaged... only people with damaged intelligence are enrolled here. Even losing the sensitivity means that the intelligence has been already damaged... because the real intelligence is only the sensitive one.
This is the truth.
This world ruled by meat grinders can't stand intelligence and even less sensitivity.
Namasté - Vanessa

Sun and Magic Archers - Photography and Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 23 July 2015
 But for the ascension, sensitivity is essential... even if it hurts. Sensitivity is the way to the immortality... to the immortal mind that exists only if connected with the heart.
There is no immortality without heart.
Without heart we can only be order-executors... obedient robots... maybe smart and intelligent... but only if commanded from outside.

Unity of mind and heart is the way to the super-consciousness... the Consciousness of the Creator that is within each of us.

This is why the exploitation of other human beings is pure folly... and the same is folly the lack of respect for Mother Nature... because from Mother Nature arrives all the intelligence and all the life... all the wealth and the health.

"Y-Yes" Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © Martedì ‎24 ‎aprile ‎2012
Music for the Ascension:

The Ascension needs ascending energies... obviously they are the energies of the Divine Mother.
Here I present you a precious mantra that is helping me a lot in this time... and always helped me... even when I've been unaware of it:
In the video you can see also that the Goddess Kurukulle is depicted traditionally as a Divine Archer.

Kurukulle mantra (Rigjedma - Kurukulla) - Goddess of Love, Enchantment and Liberation

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Le false notizie e gli affari - False news and business

Colors, flowers and frames - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

When I was a training journalist... working in a local newspaper... someone told me... suggested me... to write everything and especially what I didn't like to write.
I remember well that one day I earned quite a lot writing the text for an ad... a thing that I didn't like to write.

I realized that my soul didn't want to write like that... my soul said "I will write only what I believe in".

As you probably guess, this is the reason why I couldn't do a brilliant career in that field.

What I write I have to believe in.

I write this blog because I believe every single word I write in it... in every moment I've been writing what was arriving from my heart and soul.

I am lucky that I can write following my bliss... in my veins runs courageous blood arrived to me from my ancestors.

But imagine how works the world of official information... the world of mainstream media...

many people working in that field earn a lot writing things that they feel are not true...

they just write to make content the owners of the newspaper... or the owners of the tv.

For them is crucial to cash the check at the end of the month... or week... anyway... that is what was thought them about the job of writing.

Imagine now how someone... a group of people... that holds a lot of power can easily organize a war to make themselves even more rich... it is enough for them to use their economical power... power that they built for themselves before... to make many people write what they want.

They can even make film to create fear.

For example I remember.... than when 9/11 arrived people thought... it's like been watching a film... a terrible film.

I rarely see films... but I can know what the main films talk about.... yes indeed that tragedy was somehow announced by a film... I don't know and I don't want to know how...  but it did happen.

But even the last of psychologists can tell you about the theory of self-fulfilling prophecy.

In this world violence is not a taboo, violence is accepted... toys in shape of weapons are given to children as gifts... and some children receive as presents real weapons... some children are sadly enslaved to fight wars.

Only this is a self-fulfilling prophecy of war... don't you think so?

I think this: people that work in the media should only talk the truth and write about the truth...

and so the doctors and the medical people... should work only in the interests of the patience.

But instead on this planet both... the professional media-writers... and even many medical people... work both financed by the producers of chemicals and the producers of weapons.

Yes indeed!

And then obviously it is easy to read things explaining how it is necessary for people to eat meat... (more than else it is necessary to sell more pills that lower the blood pressure... and for the chemical company that produce them).

And was even relatively easy... with this system... invent bullshit like the racism to put away all the Jews that were working in the professions of intelligence... like schools and universities... and replace them with more subservient people... people with less scruples.

Media is a sacred field that should live in the truth... all the rest will follow.

Mr. Blue and the cup of tea - Drawing on paper by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Viseman in Tuscan landscape - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 17 August 2015

Planet Earth, sometimes it is so sad to be here... know the truth... and see that on Earth brothers fight brothers... the brainwashing media put human beings against other human beings... and they don't realize that they come from the same ancestors... look the World War II for example... they were fighting one another... people from the same star-seeds... without knowing ... people following the same North-Star inspiration... were killing one another.... and also the Germans were killing the Jews that in the sky come from the same seeds... ridiculous and tragic at the same time...

People making money with wars and with weapons are the curse of this world...

Y. Viseman and the multi-dimensional Universe - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©
The power of the imagination can open every cage.
My spirit was born free of cages in the infinite past of the Cosmos... and my spirit will remain without cage for the infinite time that is in front of me.
Namasté - Vanessa

Monday, 10 August 2015

The voyage in Renaissance's Florence (8) A trip to Paradise - Una visita al Paradiso

Mi preparai per il salto interdimensionale.
Sapevo dove volevo andare.

In teoria era un luogo impossibile da raggiungere... ma io sapevo che ce la potevo fare.

Era arrivato il momento di tornare in quel luogo in cui avevo abitato per molto tempo... e in cui avrei vissuto fino alle mie prossime incarnazioni sul Pianeta Terra.

In verità una parte di me non lascia mai quel luogo... anche se un mio corpo fisico può esistere in un luogo lontano nello spazio e nel tempo.

Mi concentrai in meditazione, profondamente, fino a che visualizzai una luce turchese con il mio Terzo Occhio.

La stella color turchese brillava nella mia mente, il mio cuore era tranquillo e pieno di energia.

Senza indugio cominciai il salto interdimensionale, quello era il momento giusto.

Tutto nella nave cominciò a cambiare colore riproducendo la sequenza dell'arcobaleno.

In quel momento salì a bordo un vecchio amico che mi salutò.

Namasté - lo salutai solo con il pensiero... che lui senz'altro comprese perfettamente.

"Blue Star" - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Quando si attraversano distanze interdimensionali capita di incontrare anche a bordo della nave delle persone che controllano amorevolmente le distanze tra le stelle.

Controllano che chi viaggia stia bene e sia pronto per attraversare il Cosmo intero nello spazio di un battito di ciglia, senza venire disintegrato.

L'amico ormai mi conosceva bene, era salito a bordo per un saluto... gli feci un cenno con la mano... e lui mi ricambiò... sì tutto a posto.

L'amico abbandonò la navicella, era passato per augurarci buon viaggio.

Subito dopo, dopo varie sequenze di colore seguendo le frequenze dell'arcobaleno, tutta la nave e anche i nostri corpi si trasformarono in luce viola e magenta.... l'interno della nave sembrava incandescente... di un magenta luminoso.

Le nostre mani e i nostri corpi erano fatti di luce viola.

Ora io e mio marito eravamo equivalenti... avevamo entrambi un corpo di luce viola... mi voltai per salutare il Maestro e il Poeta: anche loro, seduti ai loro posti, erano tutti fatti di luce viola.

Il Maestro si osservava le mani. E visto che lo stavo guardando, mi fissò in volto e io gli feci un cenno con la mano... gli parlai con la mente come avevo fatto con l'amico di prima...

gli dissi con la mente "Namasté - Maestro - ora stiamo viaggiando nella Mente e nel Cuore di Dio. Arriveremo presto a destinazione".

Tutto l'interno della nave si tinse di un color Indaco intenso... e dopo qualche istante tutto tornò come era all'inizio... anche se ogni cosa aveva ancora un alone di color magenta.

Mio marito era seduto accanto a me... con un corpo fisico!

"La Madre Divina mi ha donato un corpo fisico" - Disse mio marito Y - e io lo abbracciai.

Il Maestro si alzò  in piedi e fece alcuni passi verso di noi.

"Siamo arrivati, vero?" - Disse

Si, siamo arrivati.

Nei pannelli vedevamo il nostro mondo... un mondo dove anch'io mancavo da tanto tempo.

Y aveva le lacrime agli occhi e mi stringeva a sé... poi guardava le sue mani.

"Siamo tornati a casa... quello che era impossibile... è ancora la nostra casa"

"Certo" - dissi.

Da qui prepareremo le nostre molte vite sulla Terra" - sapendo che una parte di noi non aveva mai lasciato quel luogo.

A friend on board - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Lord B on board of my small spaceship - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 9 August 2015

I prepared myself for inter-dimensional jump. 
I knew where I wanted to go.In theory it was a place impossible to achieve ... but I knew I could do it.It was time to go back to that place where I had lived for a long time ... and where I was going to live up to my next incarnations on Planet Earth.Truly a part of me never left that place ... even if my physical body can exist in a place far away in space and time.I focused in meditation, deeply, until I visualized a turquoise light within my third eye.The Turquoise Star shone brightly in my mind, my heart was peaceful and full of energy.Without delay I began the inter-dimensional jump, that was the right time.Everything in the ship began to change color reproducing the sequence of the rainbow.At that moment boarded on ship an old friend who greeted me.Namasté - I greeted him only with the thought ... that he certainly understood perfectly.When crossing inter-dimensional distances also happen to meet on the ship the persons who control lovingly distances between stars.They check that travelers are well and ready to cross the entire Cosmos in the space of a heartbeat, without being disintegrated.That friend I knew well, had come aboard to greet ... I made him a sign with my hand ... and he greeted back ... yes everything is all right.The friend left the ship, he had arrived and then gone to wish us bon voyage.Soon after, after various color sequences following the frequencies of the rainbow, the whole ship, and even our bodies turned into purple and magenta light .... the inside of the ship seemed to glow ... a bright magenta.Our hands and our bodies were made of purple light.Now my husband and I were equivalent ... we had both a body of purple light... I turned to greet the Master and the Poet: they too, in their seats, were all made of purple light.The Master watched his hands. And as I was watching, looked at me and I made a sign with my hand ... I talked to him with my mind as I did with the friend of  before...I told him with my mind "Namasté - Maestro - now we are traveling in the Mind and Heart of God. We will arrive soon at destination."The entire interior of the ship was dyed a deep indigo color ... and after a while all was as it was in the beginning ... even if everything still had a halo of magenta.My husband was sitting next to me ... with a physical body!"The Divine Mother gave me a physical body" - my husband said - and I hugged him.The Master stood up and took a few steps toward us."We're here, right?" - SaidYes, we arrived.In the panels we saw our world ... a world where I was missing for so long.Y had tears in his eyes and I hugged him ... then looked at his hands."We came home ... that was impossible is true ... it is still our home""Of course" - I said.From here we will prepare our lives on Earth "- knowing that both of us had never left this place.

My husband Y in his Inter-Dimensional manifestation - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Rad here the previous parts of this tale : The voyage in Renaissance's Florence (7) A trip to Paradise - Una visita al Paradiso 

Read here the next part of this tale: Paradise we are here! ( A home in Paradise - 1)

Y receives a physical body from the Divine Mother - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 10 August 2015
I did this drawing while I was listening to this music: 

Edvard Grieg - Peer Gynt Suites - 1 and 2

Friday, 7 August 2015

This world needs

This world needs more faith and less religions - Vanessa

Sì, sono nata sul pianeta Terra per scrivere le parole "Pace" e "Amore" sul Sacro Smeraldo Eterico.

L'operazione è già stata realizzata.

In verità una persona come me non avrebbe nemmeno essere potuta nascere su questo Pianeta. Ci sono nata perché è stata acconsentita la mia nascita.

In realtà una come me sarebbe stata incompatibile con questo mondo.

Ma Mister Blu con la sua Consorte, che regnano in questa zona, sono stati ben contenti di farmi passare... perché in questo caso ci voleva una persona che parla e agisce chiaro come me.7

Da quando sono nata io lavoro e sto ancora lavorando tantissimo, giorno e notte.


Yes, I was born on the planet Earth to write the words "Peace" and "Love" on the Sacred Etheric Emerald.

The transcription has already been implemented.

In truth a person like me would not even have been able to be born on this planet. I was born here because my birth has been consented.

Actually someone like me would be incompatible with this world.

But Mister Blue with his Wife, who reign in this area, were only too happy to let me arrive here ... because in this case it took a person who speaks and acts as clearly as me.7


Since I was born I worked and I'm still working very hard, day and night.


Today I wrote this words on a tablet of eteric but still very powerful Emerald: "This world needs More Faith and Less Religions"

Divine Couple in a world of light - framed version - 7 August 2015 © Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni
Divine Couple and the breeze of love - Drawing on paper - 13 December 2011 © by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni - Thank you... yes... it is a beautiful drawing. I even did change it with digital art... but nothing that I can do can improve this simple drawing on paper
This artwork is available for prints on this link (ArtPal):

Pencil on paper: "Vuoi ballare carissima? (Mars and Venus in love)" - Design by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 31 January 2012
Divine Couple - Emerald Tablet Version - 7 August 2015 © Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni

Thursday, 6 August 2015

More respect for women on this planet

Woman's Portrait - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni ©

Honestly I'd like to see... soon, very soon, more respect for women on this planet.
Lack of respect for women is the first problem... from this problem starts all the injustices.
The care for the family - for example - is a vocation, a vocation that can be equally distributed to women and men.
It is not right to think, like often happens here in Italy... that because a person is born as a woman has to bear all the domestic chores by default...
And because she "bear" life in her womb... she has also to bear all the relatives... of any age... and look after them... without hope to have a little help.
There are no services for the family here, unless people are very wealthy... even if the unemployment is high... it doesn't matter... all the boring chores of the family are on women.
At the same time there are many people that have no work and do not know what to do.
Could well be organized service at home... even few hours a day, to help in the domestic chores... and looking after the elderly and the sick... for example.
It is not necessity - for example - to send an old and ill person permanently away, if there is some proper help that arrives at home when is needed.
I don't like either women-slaves that live as "badante" in other families... often they don't have a private life anymore... this is often a sort of slavery... because in the past women were doing this job: a sort of domestic slave, now this job is often done by foreigner women... because they have patience... or simply desperation, like they were even more desperate women here in the past.
How many women in Italy are burying their talents?
We don't even know what we are losing.
This is not right.

Read more here about women and women's rights, sexuality and spiritual freedom:

You can also listen to these inspiring YouTube videos:

The Arcturians and Mother Gaia 7-19-15

Archangel Michael July-28-2015

Lord Buddha July-31-2015

MASTER JESUS & Christ Collective July 11 2015 Part I and II

Arcturian Healing Chamber of Light ~ are you ready for an UPGRADE? :)

Peace and Unity - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 6 August 2015 - "May all beings have happiness and its causes! May all beings be free from suffering and its causes! May all beings be inseparable from the joy that is free from suffering! May all beings be distant from discrimination and preference, and abide in universal renunciation!" (Four Boundless Minds)

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Il Cosmo è un Sogno Divino - Cosmos is a Divine Dream

"Il tuo unico dovere è salvare i tuoi sogni" - Amedeo Modigliani.

Modigliani, uno dei più grandi pittori italiani... e infatti... chi dipinge ha grande fantasia... e sa molte cose... e sa appunto... che il Cosmo è un Sogno, un Sogno Divino.

Modigliani, one of the greatest Italian painters ... and in fact ... who paints has great imagination ... and knows a lot of things ... and just knows ... that the Cosmos is a dream, a Divine Dream.

Divine Couple (2011) - Digital art from a sketch on paper ... also posted on TSU (22 March 2015)

Coppia con cielo arancione - Couple with orange sky - Digital art by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © 4 August 2015

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Deities are united as One

It is always well respect and honor all the Deities, because They are united as One.
If someone believe in some Deity, is wise also be respectful also to all the other Deities.

Goddess and Goddesses, God and Deity.. Gods and Deities, are united as One.

Destroy a Holy Image brings always misfortune... look what happened after were destroyed the Buddhas of  Bamiyan.

Buddhas of Bamiyan

If you don't believe in some Deity of Deities, you don't have to be unrespectful.


The word "God" or the word "Goddess", even if you are Atheist or you believe only in a certain God and not in Other Gods, needs always to be written with the capital letter.

This is true because Deities belong all to the same Family. They are all Brothers and Sisters, Children of Other Ancient Deities.

If you offend a Divinity, the Other Divinities won't be pleased, believe me.

Divinities are alive in every Human Being... You don't know which Divinity can be hidden in a Human Being... and also in an Animal!

Treat Respectfully Every Human Being and Every Animal!


This artwork exists in two versions.
The first that I created was the red one, that I called (Red Buddha) Interstellar Hero, the second is called The Hero and the Moon.
They were both made the 17th March 2014
A very delicate time for me
Like all the life it is for sensitive people.
The figure of the Hero is very important for me... my grandfather, that was a Partisan, was a hero, heroes are many of my ancestors that are all honest people. Yes, my family is full of honest workers and - yes - even heroes.
I started to work at 17 years old, I trained to be a journalist in a local newspaper, I was independent already.
I am not a fortune teller.
I am a hero... too.

Statue of Hermanubis, a hybrid of Anubis and the Greek god Hermes (Vatican Museums)
"Statue of the God Anubis" by © User:Colin / Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Read Here

And yes... without reading this article from Wikipedia, from my meditation I knew instinctively that Anubis and Hermes are somehow the same Deity.

And without be a professional fortune teller, I can also say that joking about the God Anubis is not very wise. When I decided to talk about these things I did because I knew that it was a very important thing to do.

Organize a war to make profit brings immense misfortune, because every Human Being can be the Home of a Deity.

Making money using and abusing people brings immense misfortune for the same reason.

Making money destroying the Environment brings immense misfortune for the same reason.

Written with Truth.