Monday, 12 September 2016

Clear Quartz Pendant - Un pendente di Quarzo

The Appennine Range, a view from Northern Tuscany. September 11th 2016 © Photo VSB

A Clear Quartz Crystal that the mountain gave to me... probably it was in 2008 or 2009. The mountain that gave me this crystal is in the picture above.  That time me and Carl we used to visit the mountains very often. In the same period one day I lost a Rhodonite pebble while I was walking in a path on that mountain. I gave that Rhodonite to the mountain, and the mountain gave me this piece of Quartz.
The day that I lost the Rhodonite pebble... it was a beautiful stone and I was quite sorry...  while I was driving home me and Carl we saw a beautiful deer acrossing the road with a big jump!

 Selfie VSB with self made Clear Quartz pendant (with silver wire) © September 12 2016

Una gemma di quarzo con doppia terminazione che ho trovato sulla montagna vicino a casa mia. Da ieri fa parte di un pendente che ho realizzato con il filo d'argento. È la prima volta che indosso un quarzo trovato localmente e devo dire che la pietra mi regala una grande pace e armonia. Proprio come il cibo, le migliori gemme sono quelle che si trovano in zona. Non ho scavato o rovinato niente: la pietra affiorava dal terreno e io, seduta sul muschio insieme a mio marito, l'ho notata perché si trovava proprio vicino a noi!
A double pointed quartz gem that I found on the mountain near my house. Since yesterday is part of a pendant that I made with silver wire. It's the first time I wear a quartz found locally and I must say that the stone gives me great peace and harmony. Just like the food, the best gems are those found in the area where we live. I have not dug or ruined anything: the stone emerged from the ground and at that time I was sitting on the moss with my husband, I noticed it because it was right next to us!
♥ ♥

L'estate scorsa scrissi tante storie dallo spazio, quest'anno invece ho dovuto ancorarmi bene a terra per vicende personali che chi mi conosce da vicino sa. Ho dovuto lottare insieme a mio marito contro una grande difficoltà. Comunque anche se ho radici nello spazio, io sulla Terra ormai mi sento a casa. È alla Madre Terra che mi rivolgo tante volte per il sostegno nei momenti difficili e la Madre Terra ringrazio nei momenti gioiosi.
La Madre Terra è compresa nel mio concetto di Dio.

Last summer I wrote many stories from space, but this year I had to anchor myself well grounded for personal stories that those who know me closely know. I had to fight beside my husband against a great difficulty. However, even if I have roots in space, I now feel at home on Planet Earth. It is Mother Earth that I address many times for support in difficult times and also I thank Mother Earth in joyful moments.
Mother Earth is included in my concept of God.

The sunset yesterday, September 11th 2016 - Photo VSB ©

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